3ACS Photo Gallery
Photos will be added as the web site coordinator has time. Please see our FaceBook page for more photos.
Cleaning Bee
Volunteers cleaned the school and ripped up old carpet to get ready for new carpet to be installed.
First Day of School Solar Eclipse watching
Outdoor Education
2nd Annual Walk-a-Thon
The kids at 3ACS, went out and represented a Christ like character. Bible Labs this month, was at The Lighthouse Thrift Store. The students were, sweeping, mopping, picking up drip tape, sorting shoes, purses, and stuffed animals all with a song in their hearts. Keep these wonderful kids in your prayers, God has great plans for them!!!
8th Grade Graduation and Ceremony
Ellie Britain, Jacob Drewieck, and Alexis Ellis all graduate on May 24, 2018 and move on up to 9th grade. Such a wonderful group of children.
Ellie Britain, Jacob Drewieck, and Alexis Ellis all graduate on May 24, 2018 and move on up to 9th grade. Such a wonderful group of children.